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Perioscopy Professionals

The following publications  address a variety of Perioscopy topics.  Click the links (or pictures) to view the complete articles in a new window.

The Symbiotic Relationship between Perioscopy and LANAP in the Treatment of Periodontal Disease: A New Paradigm in Therapy
The Symbiotic Relationship between Perioscopy and LANAP in the Treatment of Periodontal Disease: A New Paradigm in Therapy - Dentristry IQ (08/01/12)
by Suzanne Newkirk, RDH, and Robert Gottlieb, DDS

In the last decade, much has been written about various modalities of therapy for the treatment of periodontal disease. This article explores the protocol and outcomes of a pioneering periodontal office that utilizes the Perioscopy system for the “gold standard” in non-surgical periodontal therapy, and the LANAP system (also referred to as Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure) introduced by Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc., as the gold standard in surgical periodontal therapy.
Case study: Perioscopy-only use for a nonsurgical treatment plan - Dentristry IQ (08/01/12)
Case study: Perioscopy-only use for a nonsurgical treatment plan - Dentristry IQ (08/01/12)
by Suzanne Newkirk, RDH

Case #1 reflects a non-surgical treatment plan and outcome utilizing only Perioscopy based on clinical findings and the patient’s low risk.
Case study: use of Perioscopy and LANAP for treatment of moderate periodontal disease - Dentristry IQ (08/01/12)
Case study: Use of Perioscopy and Laser surgery for treatment of moderate periodontal disease - Dentristry IQ (08/01/12)

by Suzanne Newkirk, RDH, and Robert Gottlieb, DDS

Case #2 is a patient with moderate periodontal disease, but the clinical findings of early furcation involvement, localized vertical bone loss in molar teeth and an intermediate risk analysis indicate a combination treatment plan of Perioscopy and Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP).

Case study: use of Perioscopy and LANAP for treatment of advanced periodontal disease - Dentristry IQ (08/01/12)
Case study: Use of Perioscopy and Laser surgery for treatment of advanced periodontal disease - Dentristry IQ (08/01/12)

by Suzanne Newkirk, RDH, and Robert Gottlieb, DDS

Case #3 depicts a patient with extremely advanced periodontal disease with a history of FM osseous surgery 25 years previously. His PreViser Risk analysis and clinical findings dictate a surgical treatment plan.

Effective implant maintenance and cleaning protocols - Surgical Restorative Resource (08/01/12)
Effective implant maintenance and cleaning protocols - Surgical Restorative Resource (08/01/12)
by Robert Gottlieb, DDS, and Suzanne Newkirk, RDHS

There is a significant body of work regarding the complexities of dental implants and their maintenance. The intent of this article is to provide a brief overview of the implant protocols we have found to be most effective in our practice.
The Perioscopy System - Dentristry IQ
The Perioscopy System, Part 1: Utilization and Objectives - Dentristry IQ (05/02/2012)
by John Y. Kwan, DDS, and Suzanne Newkirk, RDH

The Perioscopy System is a 1-mm diameter fiberoptic camera that is attached to a dental probe (Perioscopy Explorer) and is then gently placed subgingivally. The images are immediately displayed on a chairside monitor and magnified 20-40 times, disclosing minute details that previously may have been undetectable, such as caries, root fractures, perforations, resorption and, of course, calculus.

We have found Perioscopy eliminates the need for scraping the roots with hand instruments. Micro ultrasonic instrumentation is typically all that is used for this type of periodontal debridement.
The Perioscopy System: Part 2 - Dentristry IQ
The Perioscopy System, Part 2: Case Studies by John Y. Kwan, DDS - Dentristry IQ (05/02/2012)
by John Y. Kwan, DDS, and Suzanne Newkirk, RDH

Case #1: “Cleaning and disinfecting” #12 by Dr. John Kwan
Diagnosis: localized advanced periodontal disease. Initial probing depth 8mm MB, ML
Treatment: Micro Ultrasonic/endoscopic debridement with adjunctive antibiotics Azithromycin (Zithromax) 500mg qd x 3d).

A one-year follow up of a retrospective analysis of patients receiving Micro Ultrasonic Endoscopic Periodontal Debridement shows a dramatic reduction in probing depths in all types of teeth, particularly in deeply pocketed posterior teeth, as the above case demonstrates.
The Perioscopy System: Part 3 - Dentristry IQ
The Perioscopy System, Part 3: Case Studies by Dr. David Trylovich; Shelly Andreoli, RDH; Dr. Morris Wasylenki; and Hygiene Staff - Dentristry IQ (05/02/2012)
by John Y. Kwan, DDS, and Suzanne Newkirk, RDH

Case #3: Endoscopic Debridement and Arestin by Dr. David Trylovich and Shelly Andreoli, RDH

Case #4: Perioscopy plus Emdogain by Dr. Morris Wasylenki and hygiene staff
The Perioscopy System Part 4: Case Studies Robert Gottlieb, DDS, and Suzanne Newkirk, RDH (05/02/2012)
The Perioscopy System Part 4: Case Studies Robert Gottlieb, DDS, and Suzanne Newkirk, RDH - Dentristry IQ (05/02/2012)
by John Y. Kwan, DDS, and Suzanne Newkirk, RDH

Case #5: Perioscopy and LPD (laser pocket disinfection) with an Nd:YAG Laser
Suzanne M. Newkirk, RDH
Profiling Suzanne Newkirk, RDH - The "Working" column in ADHA Access Magazine: May - June 2010 
by Francis Moffett

Suzanne M. Newkirk, RDH, believes that the best aspects of her career as a dental hygienist are the ability to always attain new knowledge and the availability of new information. “I love being a lifelong learner,” she said. “I am constantly learning new technologies and modalities for improved patient care.”

It was for this reason that Newkirk decided to start her own perioscopy business, Perioscopy Professionals, in 2009. Perioscopy includes the use of an instrument, a Perioscope, which is a miniaturized fiber-optic camera attached to a tiny probe that is gently placed below the gingival line. The images are displayed on a chairside monitor and magnified up to 48 times, disclosing minute details that previously may have been undetectable
Eavesdropping on a Perioscopy Seminar

Let It Shine, or Do It Blind - Eavesdropping on a Perioscopy Seminar - RDH Magazine 
by Lynne Slim, RDH, BSDH, MSDH 

Suzanne Newkirk, RDH, and I had our best conversations while power walking in her suburban Seattle, Wash., neighborhood. We’re a lot like Forrest Gump: we could jog clear across America nonstop if given the opportunity. Suzanne is one of those determined hygienists who revitalized her career in a way many of us can only dream about. She has many people to thank for empowering her, and her career pathway has been illuminated (no pun intended) in more ways than one. I’d like to tell you more about her success.
Just Clean Teeth

Just Clean Teeth - RDH Magazine Article
by Lynne Slim,RDH, BSDH, MSDH

Suzanne Newkirk, RDH, and I recently flew together from her Seattle home to southeastern Washington, where she works part-time for Bob Gottlieb, DDS, a periodontist. I remember Suzanne saying that working with Bob is like being Cinderella at a ball. Everything she could possibly desire in an office is there for her — the best co-workers, equipment, and employer. What a wonderful compliment to Dr. Bob, who is known to send text messages to his staff at the end of every workweek to thank them for their dedication and hard work.

I was fortunate to be able to observe Suzanne and Dr. Bob for an entire day, and I was tickled pink with Dr. Bob’s approach to a new patient exam. He draws pictures on his glove with a Sharpie pen to illustrate the bone, tooth, and gingival anatomy and explain the etiology of periodontal disease. I almost fell off my chair laughing when he explained bone loss in between roots because he used the analogy of exposing one’s crotch!

About Perioscopy Professionals / TOH Consulting

Periodontal Endoscopy. Expert "Hands-on" Perioscopy Training and Dental Hygiene Consulting Services. Leading the way in minimally invasive periodontal treatment.

Phone: (425) 770-0520

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Leading the way in Minimally-Invasive Periodontal Therapy

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